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Past performance is no guarantee for future returns. In particular, there is no guarantee that an investor’s capital will be protected or that the value of employed capital or of shares will be equal to or greater than an investor’s original investment when the investor sells his shares or withdraws his capital.
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Prior to reading the general risk warnings, we would like to point out that inexperienced investors are always advised to consult a trusted financial expert. Never put “all eggs in one basket” and study our client's offering and the risk profiles of the investments in detail. You should never invest more than 5% of your net worth into individual products with a high-risk profile. FINMA, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority, offers support and inputs about how to properly evaluate offerings from individual and non-regulated providers. You can always reach out to us if you feel insecure or have any questions. We are always happy to help!


The franchise structure represents an equity investment model. The investor becomes a shareholder of an operative, independent, and fully-fledged Franchise Company. The Franchise Companies do not guarantee a minimum rate of return or liquidity. The invested capital is at risk and complete loss of the invested capital may incur. The terms and conditions are exclusively according to the official sale prospectus, available at our client's websites. Before deciding on an investment, read the risk warnings carefully, or in case of doubt, consult a trusted financial expert. Please note, historical or projected performance information is not a reliable indicator for future earnings or losses.


The terms and conditions are exclusively according to our client's official bond prospectuses, available at our client's websites. Before deciding on an investment, read the risk warnings carefully, or in case of doubt, consult a trusted financial expert. As for every investment, also real estate investments can include (complete) loss of the invested capital. Please note, historical or projected performance information is not a reliable indicator for future earnings or losses.

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