The challenge of private markets

Private markets are highly lucrative but have a significant disadvantage; they are illiquid.

The public market offers this feature: Investors can quickly turn their holdings back into cash. Private assets, such as private equity, require more patience. Most private equity funds require a 10-15 year investment horizon, and the investor has almost no possibility of turning his investment back into cash.

The power of a network

Moonshot is a fast-growing investor network of over 10'000 accredited investors.

Our members can use the power of our network of professional investors to offer their holdings and turn their investments back to cash way sooner. We often only require a minimum hold of 5 years and sometimes provide liquidity mechanisms for exit within only three months of investing.

This unique feature turns private market investments into what we think is the most lucrative asset class.


How it works

1) Liquidity needed

Should an investor require earlier liquidity, he can express interest in selling his securities to other investors from Moonshot Circle.

2) Offer

Either after the minimum holding period, during the liquidity window, or according to a product, specific terms (e.g., firesale) securities can be offered to the network. The seller will either inform us about the desired asking price or set the price based on the current valuation of his investment.

3) Network notification

The investor’s interest in selling will be notified to other investors from the Moonshot Circle on a bulletin board on the Moonshot platform, either within the frame of purchase rights under a common shareholders agreement or otherwise according to the applicable terms.

4) Match making

Matching between seller and purchaser and the actual sale and purchase transaction are made between seller and purchaser directly without the involvement of Moonshot or the company investing in the respective company. However, Moonshot provides the necessary legal framework to make transactions for both parties seamless.

Best effort

Please note that liquidity is neither provided nor guaranteed. If match-making is unsuccessful, investors can revise their offer and re-start the process (according to the product's terms).


Financials are published every quarter, semester, or year. Buy new securities or find a buyer for yours within our community.


Find a new buyer for your securities within our network of accredited investors, should you require unexpected liquidity. Moonshot acts as a "match-maker" via the in-house "Bulletin Board”.


Know what’s going on before everyone else does. We keep you posted, as much as you like. We will keep you informed and provide you with useful information and analysis.

Interested in knowing more?

Speak to our team and learn how Moonshot operates.

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