Invest in all our vetted real estate projects at once.

Moonshot enables you to invest on a deal-by-deal basis into innovative real estate projects. The Private Real Estate Strategy now enables you to invest in all of our real estate projects you see (or saw) on our platform with one single product.

Unlock Access


Annual Tax-Equivalent Net Return goal with yearly payouts


All in management fee per year

7 years

Target Investment Hold Period 5-10 years

Asset allocation
in % of invested funds
Serviced living
High margin retail
Automated gastronomy
Co working, modern usecases
Cash or liquid assets (for early redemptions)

Facts & Figures

The investment objective of this strategy is to create a lucrative, risk-adjusted return by investing in innovative and operator-led Swiss real estate projects in prime locations.

We rebalance the portfolio on a regular basis and distribute the proceeds equally among all of the offered projects according to the asset allocation target as displayed above. The allocation target may vary depending on asset availability.

Liquidity position: The portfolio holds a 7% cash or liquid asset position in order to enable early redemptions described further down on this page.

Instrument: Actively Managed Certificate (AMC)
Expected return (based on historic asset results): 6.31-12.02% p.a.
Profit distribution: Yearly profit redemption (subject to 20% performance fee) or compounding (no fee)
Lockup period: 5 years after initial investment, early redemption after 1st year
Administration fee: 2% p.a. (charged by issuer)
Setup fee: 1.25%
Performance fee: No fees if compounding, 20% performance fee for yearly payouts
Exit (Liquidity-Window): From 1-31 July each year (after lockup), investors can exit via pull option
Fire sale redemption fee: 30% until lockup, 5th year and onwards = no fee
Secondary transactions: Yes, after lockup period 8.5% replacement fee
Min. investment: CHF 25'000
Investment horizon: 5-10 years

Please note: This is a newly issued AMC and the track record reflects the performance of the target assets according to our allocation plan. Historic results are not a guarantee for future returns.

Investor profile


Our Private Real Estate Strategy requires a minimum investment horizon of 5 years. Consequently, the investor's exit after the lockup period of 5 years is not subject to any fees. The Private Real Estate Strategy is perpetual and has no set maturity date. Investors declaring their full redemption after the lockup period can do so by utilizing the liquidity window from 1st until 31st of July each year. 7% (up to 10%) of the strategy's assets are cash or liquid equivalents and will be used to serve full redemptions. In case the total redemption amount is exceeding the liquidity reserves, the payout will be performed pro-rata amongst all investors declaring their full or partial redemption. The remaining certificates can be claimed during the next liquidity window.


Performance COMPONENTS

The Moonshot Private Real Estate Strategy AMC reinvests profits. The compounding effect further enhances performance. Investors wishing to receive payouts instead can declare their withdrawal every year in July.


Withdrawing profits

Profit withdrawals throughout the year are subject to our performance fee. Investors deciding to have their profits reinvested into the strategy, therefore, receive a 20% higher return.

Performance comparison


Moonshot Private Real Estate Strategy AMC: Historic performance of target assets (non-compounding and tax-adjusted)

Swiss Crowdfunding Direct Ownership: Historic performance of over 60 Swiss crowdfunding assets (non-compounding and tax-adjusted)

Real estate offers unique benefits over other asset classes when aligned and managed properly.

Real estate has always been a cornerstone of wealth generation and preservation. Properties in ultra-prime locations maintain a stable value during almost every economic situation.

However, quality opportunities are difficult to source, operationally intensive, and often burdened by high prices and misalignment, or poor performance. Our strategy merges this highly secure asset class with groundbreaking and high-performing operational models.

Real Estate
Less Volatile
More Volatile
Lower Returns
Higher Returns

Real estate is facing fundamental distress that make it progressively unattractive as an asset class.

The unprecedented flood of money that the markets have experienced has not stopped before the real estate market. Not only are stocks and bonds extremely highly valued and yielding hardly any dividends or interest worth mentioning, but also real estate has experienced a significant price increase.

The interest rate policy has even led to large pension funds, which have to comply with investment regulations and have high investment pressure (due to negative interest rates), buying assets that hardly generate any returns. This leads to even higher prices and pressure on rental income.

Our strategy focuses on groundbreaking business cases and bespoke operator-centric, value-add real estate investments that can easily adapt to changing market trends and cater to future trends that have been hardly adopted by the real estate sector. We see buildings as businesses and not as passive assets.


The price of real estate knows no limit and there's no end in sight.


The traditional buy-to-let model is inefficient and investors have no alternatives.


Residential properties are facing rental caps while offices have vacancy issues.


The glut of money forces investors to take high risks.


Rents are stagnating or decreasing while prices are skyrocketing.

Real Estate has A LOT OF potential If allocated and aligned properly.

Our strategy focuses on value-add, operator-centric niche markets that enable us to earn attractive risk-adjusted income. We focus on operators that use a high grade of automation, tap into new markets, and are successful niche players. While Switzerland's benchmark is performing around 3-4% (net), our strategy has historic returns of up to 12% per year (in Switzerland).

Here is what sets THIS STRATEGY apart and ahead.

Real estate's most significant issue: Prices keep on climbing while rents are stagnating or declining. One of the most common fields, residential real estate, is especially and increasingly burdened by politically enforced rental caps and very limited usage making it hard to justify steep price increases.

"When things don't go right, go left."

However, there are various upcoming niche markets in prime locations that offer usage beyond the traditional cases such as serviced and tech-enabled living, co-working, automated gastronomy, brand communication, and high-margin retail.


We focus on value-add real estate developments and work with tech-enabled operators, using eco-friendly business models to create spectacular assets with attractive returns.

Prime locations

It's very simple: A real estate investment is only as good as its location. We therefore only focus on high-street and A+ locations in traditional destinations offering a stable market and political environment.

Operator led

We skip the buy-to-let model and create vertically integrated and operational businesses around the buildings we select, working closely with the operator to create a strong and bespoke offering in niche markets.

Second to none.

The Moonshot Private Real Estate Strategy is focusing on those rare opportunities that are too small for large institutional investors and too big or inaccessible for individual investors, thus left aside. It is organized via a low cost, actively managed certificate (AMC) and offers unique liquidity options (mentioned further down).

The investment opportunity

Private real estate Strategy

Invest in all our vetted real estate projects at once. Our Strategy targets a 2x multiple per decade or 6-12 % p.a. paid out yearly. The investment objective of this strategy is to create a lucrative, risk-adjusted return by investing in innovative and operator-led Swiss real estate projects in prime locations.

The investment is made via an actively managed certificate (AMC) issued by MISP AG.

Investment Documents

6.31-12.02% p.a.

Net return Target per Year

5-10 year term
0.25% p.a. Fee
New issue

* This offer is only accessible for professional investors and is an advertisement for financial instruments. The historical performance or our return estimations/predictions are no guarantee of the current and future performance. The value of the investment may rise or fall at any time up to the complete loss of the invested capital. In general, we advise you to seek advice from a tax and investment professional prior to investing. The published information does not constitute a solicitation, an offer, or a recommendation.


Projected Returns Calculator

Positive Scenario
Private Real Estate Strategy (via AMC) - Positive ScenarioPrivate Real Estate Strategy (via AMC) - Average ScenarioPrivate Real Estate Strategy (via AMC) - Negative Scenario
10 years
5 years6 years7 years8 years9 years10 years11 years12 years13 years14 years15 years16 years17 years18 years19 years20 years21 years22 years23 years24 years25 years26 years27 years28 years29 years30 years

Unique Tax Benefits

No withholding tax

This investment is NOT subject to the 35% withholding tax.

No income tax

For private investors (individuals) with tax residence in Switzerland, the AMCs are treated like a unit of a collective investment scheme. The Issuer informs the Swiss Federal Tax Administration about the capital gains/losses, and the earnings on the assets on an annual basis. Only the declared net earnings on these assets are subject to income tax. Gains and losses realized on the Strategy Value as well as gains and losses derived from the sale of the AMC should be considered as income tax-free private capital gains and non-tax-deductible private capital losses, respectively.

No stamp duty

There is no Swiss stamp duty upon issuance of the AMCs. Secondary market transactions are subject to Swiss stamp duty of up to 0,15%. There is no Swiss stamp duty upon redemption of the AMCs.

No custodian fee

If not otherwise agreed with the investor, our AMCs are non bankable and therefore do not require a securities deposit account.

Target investments

Our strategy focuses on off-market, value-add properties in prime locations that are operator-centric and serve niche markets.

Some of our target investments are listed below. Please note, that the successful acquisition is subject to the funds available and the net inflow of capital. The list below is to portrait the investment and asset strategy.

Target investment: Location:
High margin retail & serviced living Rennweg 15, 8001 Zürich
Tech-enabled living Schützengasse 14a/Bahnhofstrasse Zürich
Tech-enabled living Bahnhofstrasse 18, 8001 Zürich
Automated gastronomy, serviced living Schauplatzgasse 22/Bundeshaus, 3011 Bern
Community-led, 360º leisure hospitality Via Fontana Martina, 6622 Ronco sopra Ascona
High margin retail, co-working Schützengasse 21, 8001 Zürich
Co-working, serviced living 11 ruelle du Couchant, 1207 Genève

Focus on prime locations

Some of the tenants or operators of target assets

The Investment Structure:
Actively Managed Certificate (AMC)

"Actively Managed Certificates" ("AMC") are structured products whose underlying asset is managed on a discretionary basis during the term of the product in accordance with a specific investment strategy.

The average ticket size in private real estate investments is often exceeding CHF 5M. Moonshot uses actively managed certificates (structured product), issued by its own issuance company "MISP AG" to split the investment size into smaller tickets to make them accessible for private investors.


Target Returns as a % of Initial Investment

Hypothetical Investment

CHF 250,000

Total Returned

CHF 480,000

Closing -CHF 250,000
Year 1 CHF 15,725
Year 2 CHF 15,525
Year 3 CHF 18,125
Year 4 CHF 30,625
Year 5 CHF 18,500
Year 6 CHF 23,025
Year 7 CHF 21,200
Year 8 CHF 16,050
Year 9 CHF 25,275
Year 10, Exit CHF 273,125
Capital Funding
Income distribution
Sale Proceeds / Refinancing
* Distributable Cash Flow percentages shown in the above graph are calculated as a percentage of total equity invested. These numbers differ from the projected annualized net cash yield in the underwriting because net cash yield is calculated based on the remaining equity in the transaction.

What if you require unexpected liquidity?

Early redemptions & Liquidity

Unlike most investments in alternative assets, our strategies offer two unique liquidity mechanisms investors can use and choose from.


Financials are published every quarter, semester, or year (as applicable). If available, Moonshot reviews and analyzes financials for its members.


We can quickly find a new buyer for your shares, should you require unexpected liquidity. Moonshot acts as a "match-maker" via the in-house "Bulletin Board”.


Know what’s going on before everyone else does. We keep you posted, as much as you like.


During July (1st till 31st) of every year after the minimum holding period of 5 years, investors have the opportunity to terminate their investment and withdrawal their funds. 7% of the total AUM (assets under management) will be allocated to cash or liquid assets.

In case of a termination, the 7% liquidity reserves will be used to proportionally buy back certificates from investors. If the reserves are not sufficient to satisfy all terminations, they will be allocated pro-rata to every investor having declared the withdrawal.

As the strategy requires a 5-year minimum term, free redemptions are only possible after the holding period. Should the 7% liquidity reserves not be sufficient to cover all withdrawal requests, investors can still mandate Moonshot's secondary market for the reselling of their certificates (subject to fees).

Bulletin Board (Secondary Transactions)

Moonshot acts as a “match-maker” via the in-house “Bulletin Board” should an investor require early liquidity. The auto-adjusted return will be added to your securities (shares/bonds/certificates) as a default base-price finding for placing the securities in our investor network of over 7’000 active investors.

Please note, liquidity is not provided or guaranteed by Moonshot. Secondary offerings are only supported once Moonshot's primary offering has been closed.

Our investment process

Online process

Click on the "Start Investing" button, fill in your personal data and follow the process.

Unlock Access

Select & Review

Select the product that is right for you and review all legal documents. Please note: No physical signature is required, the entire process can be done online.

Pay & Receive

You will receive our payment instructions. Once it's paid we will deliver the share assignment or bond certificate. Should you require liquidity, our secondary market will be available to you after the minimum holding period.


Our real estate strategy is at the forefront of innovative investment solutions. It offers low cost to non-correlated Swiss real estate assets that are outperforming the benchmark by two folds. We are convinced, that we are continuously producing a convincing track record and receive a fast-growing capital inflow from our investor community.

Investment-related questions?

Schedule a call and ask us anything.

Fabian Coray

Investor Relations for AMCs
Languages: German/English/Romansh


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