Why private assets?

Private markets have significantly outperformed public markets and offer unique benefits.

Private Markets
Less Volatile
More Volatile
Lower Returns
Higher Returns


The performance of private markets is not closely correlated with public stocks, bonds, or funds.

Capital Preservation

When properly structured and managed, private assets are great for preserving capital.

Cash Flow

Private assets can generate stable and predictable cash flows.

We believe in personal relationships.

Let us show you how we can structure your private asset portfolio according to your needs in a private meeting or zoom call. We want to understand your investment strategy and show you how private assets could supplement your portfolio.


Our opportunities

We strongly believe in the risk-adjusted potential of private markets. Together, we will find out your goals and how our opportunities might fit in. Are you a long-term investor, or is short-term liquidity more important?

Relationships are offline

Most providers or financial instruments nowadays rely on automation and outsourced service centers. Only a few fortunate get to enjoy a personal partnership. We think differently! As an investor network, we build personal relationships.

How we work

Request access to our platform online.

Register on our website.

Once you've registered, you'll receive an invitation for a qualifying call with Luca Fernandes and his team.

Arrange a brief initial onboarding/qualifying call with us.

Once you are approved, you will receive access to our website.

Without being accredited as a member with us, you will not be able to view details of investment opportunities.

Depending on your classification, you will be able to invest in all of our curated opportunities.

Certain investments are only available to qualified/professional investors. Based on your information, you will receive full or limited access to our investment opportunities.

As soon as you're ready, we'd like to discuss your strategy in a meeting or call.

As soon as you're ready we'd like to discuss your strategy in a meeting or call.


  • Are your investments bankable?

    Yes. Institutional investors chose between fully bankable assets (ISIN/Valor) or non-bankable options.

  • Why can't I see all the available investment opportunities without creating an account?

    Some of our offerings are subject to sales restrictions. Only available for institutional and professional/qualified investors and are not publicly available.

    Another reason is to keep a high-quality investor community. We like to build personal relationships with all of our members.

  • What happens if I do not qualify.

    To get access to our curated investments, you need to go through our onboarding process.

    The approval is subject to our onboarding and compliance team. We may deny access at any time without giving reasons.

Still unsure how it works?

Talk to us, we are happy to guide you through our process.


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