Every January, influential leaders from around the globe gather at the World Economic Forum (WEF) for a week of discussions about the pressing issues of global trends and to share their perspectives on the future of humanity. The tradition continues in 2024, the WEF took place just a couple of weeks ago. Fortunately, Moonshot was present at Davos during the WEF, hosting our exclusive premier event for a select few. We have a wealth of insights to share from our behind-the-scenes experiences.

About the World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum is an annual conference that focuses on discussions pertaining to global commerce, economic development, political concerns, and significant social issues. For a week each year, approximately 3000 policymakers and opinion leaders gather in the small, remote Swiss ski town of Davos to collaboratively make life-changing decisions for companies and countries.

The public perception is that these individuals engage in 8 hours of conferences daily, listening to experts from key industries, picking up useful ideas, and then heading home. Although this is partly true, it is far from the full story. Indeed, the most significant interactions take place between speaking sessions, in hallways, meeting rooms, and after parties, where participants network and share opinions. This aspect of the Forum remains hidden from the public eye, which leaves room for mysteries to unfold. In light of all this, it's no surprise that gatherings in Davos have always been accompanied by rumors about what transpired behind closed doors.

2024 mysteries – what should one expect in 2024?

Within certain corners of the internet communities, WEF is famous as a not-so-secret world government. After all, what else could it be when every year, elites from around the world come together to discuss the prospects of the year to come?

These theories gained widespread attention in 2020 when Klaus Schwab, Chairman of the World Economic Forum, published “COVID-19: The Great Reset,” a book exploring the potential impact of the coronavirus on the world. While the official narrative portrayed a plan for collaborative action in rebuilding the economy, internet users raised questions about whether The Great Reset was intended to become a life-changing control policy for the global population. Skeptics on platforms like Reddit and X (formerly Twitter) questioned if COVID-19 was engineered by elite groups to address overpopulation and enforce control through vaccination campaigns and stringent lockdowns. They suggested that The Great Reset is not so much about the economy, but more about restructuring human rights as we know them.

This year, despite the new theme of “Rebuilding trust”, The Great Reset policies are believed to continue gaining power. Robert Francis Kennedy Jr., an American politician, environmental lawyer, and activist, recorded a video message to inform the public that elites plan to strip down the middle class of its remaining equity to enrich themselves even more, targeting ownership rights.

In the climate sector, online media on X claims that Ursula von der Leyen, when talking about the future of farmers, actually announced a food control plan that requires a collapsing global food supply. This will allegedly push people to eat insects, another WEF-created initiative. Moreover, contrary to popular belief, growing your own crops won’t save you, as the WEF-funded University of Michigan found that it generates five times more carbon footprint and may ultimately be prohibited. According to the internet, all these measures are geared towards establishing corporatism as a dominant global power structure.

Furthermore, rumors about the establishment of a world government have gained traction during this year’s WEF, particularly as several countries prepare for elections in 2024. The intrigue surrounding this event, predominantly funded by a select 0.1% of the population, purportedly shaping global policies, continues to deepen.

At Moonshot, we made the deliberate choice to attend Davos during the World Economic Forum. During our three-day event, we engaged directly with world leaders, aiming to shed light on the hidden government and dispel surrounding rumors.

Moonshot Event During WEF

Moonshot hosted a three-day event, providing a perfect venue for insightful discussions and collaborative brainstorming among a select group. Bringing together international political and business leaders, policymakers, and opinion leaders, we explored a plethora of topics including the future of finance, key market trends, industries of the future, wealth management strategies of the ultra-wealthy, and many more.

What exactly did Christine Lagarde, the President of the European Central Bank, mean when she mentioned that the world is transitioning to “non-normality”? Are global leaders perceiving artificial intelligence as a threat? More importantly, how do they envision distributing the benefits of this emerging technology?

The answers to these questions and many others are exclusively reserved for members of the Moonshot Circle. Join our Lift-off events in Zurich to become a member and gain access to more exclusive insights.

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