What to expect?

Learn what Moonshot is all about and embrace the opportunity to connect with our investor community, thought leaders, and visionaries as we come together to deepen our collective commitment to progress and innovation.


Engage in purposeful conversations to strengthen existing relationships and forge new partnerships in Moonshot's distinguished ambiance.

Gain insights

Explore industry insights and gain valuable perspectives from experts on private market opportunities. Learn why private assets shouldn't be missing in your portfolio.

Tasteful Treats

Indulge in carefully prepared nibbles and drinks that complement the event's ambiance as a DJ and select entertainment set the tone of the evening.



Introduction for applicants and new members


Members joining networking event


Conversations with inspiring personalities


Tasteful treats in good company


Playful elements and entertainment

all evening

Fostering connections and enjoying the ambiance

Where to find us

Le Bijou, Bahnhofstrasse 18, 8001 Zurich, Switzerland

We invite you to be a part of this pivotal moment in our collective journey towards a brighter future. Secure your place among fellow innovators and changemakers by registering.

Join us as we co-create a community rooted in purpose, integrity, and shared success. Together, let's harness the power of collaboration to build a better tomorrow, starting with the connections we forge today.


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